Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Toooz day!


So its been a long day! Was so hoping for a lie in, but apparently the freak out of my mum's wireless connection was far more important and worth screeching in my ear about. Mum's aye? =P

Spent the morning kind of chilling- ie- numerous cups of teas and a little bit of sunbathing. =P Then went to the hospital. Turns out my gran was trying to get into a hospital room that wasn't even grandpa's. Haha, was amusing! When we did find him, it was a little unresting. Just because, living up north, I haven't seen him properly since he's grown so ill. There were lots of things I picked up on and being around a hospital again really scared me! I did have to go out for an hour or so- just meant I could catch up with Mars though.

We just had this massive dinner as well! :P We took my gran to Tesco, where she doesn't normally go at all! And she had a ball trying to find everything she needed. Because her eyesight is so bad, she ended up looking for lettuce in the chicken fillet section!

I plan on resting this evening. Gosh, I thought it was only when you got old that you started to really understand tiredness. But I can't believe how tired I am at the moment- I think its more a bundle of stress and busy-ness. Even so, being down south at the moment is the best thing we can do. We are being useful- even in small ways. It's just from today that I think we're more aware of how long we expect life to be, and yet how short life can be too. No matter how much there is a chance of extended days, even those days will get shorter.

Heyy- it's great though that in Heaven there will be no more days- just everlasting heavenly worship!

Tomorrow looks to be another busy day! I was kind of a bit gutted because I never got to drive today, so I plan on driving tomorrow early on. My mum and Gran want to head to the fish market of all places! Then we're meeting Jenni and heading to the hospital once more.

I think things will be better with Jenni around anyway. It means things might be a little more chilled [:

Anywayss, Must go!

-Friend of Jesus,

Eli xo [:

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