Sunday, 20 May 2012


Went to Destiny Edinburgh this morning and it was such a blessing! I was in total need of a good service and it was exactly what I needed. The sermon was so apt too for everything I'm going through in terms of finding a church and being founded in Christ.

It was based on Psalm 92 and was all about trees flourishing and how similarly our faiths planted in Christ will flourish. There was lots to it - some really good stuff, but one of the points she mentioned was that one type of tree (can't remember name) that exists has roots that dig deep, but also intertwine with the roots coming from other trees surrounding it. Because it holds on to others for strength, it prospers and flourishes. She made links to it being like us rooted in a good community. That when we set our roots deep, we connect with others and become strengthened by them, whilst also offering support to them.

Its a really beautiful message and one that I'm definitely gonna find the podcast for and pass on!

I guess it makes one thing clear - that finding a church is absolutely a priority and I need to find one at home and here as soon as I can. I realise that not having a community has really not helped my faith, and I realise that God created each of us with the purpose of being rooted in a community of believers. Because when the storms come its never good to be planted on your own in the wild, when we were made to be protected and strengthened by a community rooted around us.

Such a good Sunday. Thank you God for your blessings! You are so good!

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